The U is a 2009 documentary film produced by Miami-based media studio Rakontur and directed by Billy Corben. The U covers the rise and dominance of the Miami Hurricanes football team during the late 1980s and early 1990s, with comments from players like Ray Lewis, 2 time Super Bowl champion.
The film premiered December 12, 2009 after the Heisman Trophy presentation on ESPN as a part of their 30 for 30 documentary series. The U's premiere drew 2.3 million viewers, the most ever for a documentary on the sports cable network until the debut of Pony Excess, another college football documentary about the Southern Methodist University football scandal in the 1980's.[1]
DVD release[]
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This film was released on DVD in 2010, both separately and as part of the 30 for 30 box set. The DVD cover, depicting Michael Irvin, originally had the "U" logo on his helmet, but it was airbrushed from the cover after the University of Miami objected to the logo's appearance. Excerpts from Florida State University's infamous "Seminole Rap" video that initially appeared in the documentary were also cut from the DVD release.
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