1906 VPI football Conference Independent 1906 record 5–2–2 Head coach Sally Miles (2nd season)Captain James A. Nutter Home stadium Gibboney Field Seasons
Template:1906 college football independents records
The 1906 VPI football team represented Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College and Polytechnic Institute in the 1906 college football season . The team was led by their head coach Sally Miles and finished with a record of five wins, two losses, and two ties (5–2–2).
Schedule [ ]
Source: HokieSports.com: 1906 Virginia Tech football schedule[6]
Players [ ]
The following players were members of the 1906 football team according to the roster published in the 1907 edition of The Bugle , the Virginia Tech yearbook.[7]
VPI 1906 roster
George Hamilton Cunningham
Meade Montgomery Goodwyn
William Lewis Branch
Charles Edward Diffendal
Harry Varner
Gustave Tucker Worthington
Herbert David Hodgson
James Arthur Nutter (Capt.)
Joseph Talmage Luttrell
References [ ]
↑ "Football This Afternoon" . The Evening News (Library of Virginia): p. 1. October 6, 1906. http://virginiachronicle.com/cgi-bin/virginia?a=d&d=TVN19061006.1.1&e=-------en-20--1-byDA.rev-txt-txIN-foot+ball------ . Retrieved November 25, 2015 .
↑ "William and Mary Easily Defeated" . Richmond Times-Dispatch (Library of Congress): p. E2. October 7, 1906. http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1906-10-07/ed-1/seq-34/ . Retrieved November 25, 2015 .
↑ 3.0 3.1 "Teams Fought To Tie In Fast Game Before Big Crowd" . Richmond Times-Dispatch (Library of Congress): p. F1. October 28, 1906. http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1906-10-28/ed-1/seq-29/ . Retrieved November 25, 2015 .
↑ 4.0 4.1 "Virginia Team Won From A. & M." . Richmond Times-Dispatch (Library of Congress): p. 1. November 30, 1906. http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038615/1906-11-30/ed-1/seq-1/ . Retrieved November 25, 2015 .
↑ "Thanksgiving Day Gridiron Contests" . The Evening News (Library of Virginia): p. 1. November 30, 1906. http://virginiachronicle.com/cgi-bin/virginia?a=d&d=TVN19061130.1.1&e=-------en-20--1-byDA.rev-txt-txIN-foot+ball------ . Retrieved November 25, 2015 .
↑ Virginia Tech Football Past Schedules "1906–1907". Virginia Tech Sports Information Department, Hokiesports.com. Accessed November 17, 2015.
↑ "The Bugle 1907" . Virginia Tech Bugle . 1907. http://spec.lib.vt.edu/archives/bugle/bugl1907/1907_BUGLE.pdf . Retrieved 2015-11-17 .